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Our Military/Veterans

BMSCC, also known as Bright Morning Star Ministries (BMSM), is a non-profit organization operating in Fort Worth, TX, for the purpose of supporting veterans, staff, and community clients in the Tarrant County area. 


We desire to build an expansion of the Veterans’ Services. Since 2016, our program has served approximately 367 people in Fort Worth, including veterans, by applying individual counseling, group sessions, and faith-based methodologies in a whole-person concept.

Army Uniforms


- We offer short-term, solution-focused counseling services for anxiety, depression, grief, divorce, etc. For more severe diagnoses, we will make referrals to evidence-based professional services for long-term care and medication maintenance.  Additionally, our specialty is domestic violence intervention and prevention: individual counseling and therapeutic groups.


- Conduct assessments within the county to identify the most critical Veteran needs and service gaps regarding employment and benefits


- Work with multiple stakeholders to identify local relevant economic trends and need: local employers, educational institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Government and Non-Government Organizations, Military Installations, and Veteran Administration offices


- Initiating state-level coalitions/alliances which are sharply focused on building service capacity in the areas of greatest need


- Help communities develop a focus on Veteran issues, as well as the capacity of state and community systems to respond


- Elevate the visibility and needs of the often-isolated transitioning Service Members and Veterans


- Provide information and referral services, resource identification to Veterans


- Advocate with local family readiness organizations concerning family issues


Grant Proposal Overview – Purpose of the Grant


Bright Morning Star Counseling & Community Services (BMSCCS) seeks funding to enhance our innovative approach to community outreach by providing counseling to workplace Employee Assistance Program (EAP) participants, career advice and chaplain care services to transitioning service members, veterans and their families.

Our outreach is currently focused on providing chaplaincy support for homeless veterans housed at Liberty House of MHMR (Mental Health Mental Retardation) of Tarrant County. Liberty House is a 30-bed, one-year transitional shelter  for homeless male veterans with substance abuse and co-occurring mental health issues.   We currently conduct peer group facilitation and chaplaincy visits to Liberty House on a weekly volunteer basis. Our goal at Liberty House is to provide support to Veterans who are seeking ways to develop a stronger faith relationship in order to achieve positive long-term recovery. 


• The plan is to provide a stipend for one part-time Social Work intern (University of Texas – Arlington) on a two-year rotating basis.  This will allow the student to apply their education to real-life care, while they prepare to take the State of Texas Social Work Board Exam


• Research recruitment of employment positions with career pathway opportunities for unemployed or under-employed Veterans. This position will also be responsible to provide employment counseling to Veterans to support in the attainment of their employment goals.

The Rationale

The Whole-Person Concept.  Army Resilient. 

Air Force The Four Pillars of Wellness.

Navy/Marines For Life.


Research: (Causes of Homelessness) – adapted from University of Maryland Course Sociology 408

1.  War

2.  Substance abuse:  Drug Abuse/Alcoholism*

3.  Family breakdown

4.  Joblessness and poverty

5.  Lack of low-cost housing

6.  Government policy: welfare, housing policy, shelters

7.  Education

8.  Incarceration history/Recidivism

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