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Community Volunteer Activities
Bright Morning Star Community Consulting, Fort Worth, TX 08/2016 to 6/2023
Pastor and Founder
This non-profit ministry, which began in San Antonio (2006), provides short-term consultation to businesses and individuals, which includes vision/mission strategies. Conducts workforce development for individuals (i.e., resume writing, education planning and career counseling)
Liberty House, MHMR of Tarrant County
Volunteer Protestant Chaplain – Fort Worth, TX 08/2015 to 03/2020
Provided part-time volunteer pastoral care services and Protestant Religious Education on a weekly basis to 10 clients at Liberty House--Fort Worth, a 30-bed transitional recovery shelter for homeless male veterans faced with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or substance abuse dependence, which allowed residents the opportunity to live and recover in a safe and drug-free environment for one calendar year
Texas Army National Guard 08/2015–12//2015
Appointed by Texas Army National Guard Medical Commander as Family Readiness Group Leader Chair/Spokesperson for Grand Prairie location
Assisted and attended programs aimed at preparing 30 local National Guard service members and their families for deployment, initiatives to help sustain families during deployment, and recruitment processes for reintegrating communities and employers after deployment cycles. Planned, implemented, and coordinated approval with Department Chief, Grand Prairie Parks and Recreation, to host December 2015 Holiday Social, without charge, at the Veterans Park Event Center for 35 Medical Unit service members and 30 family member
My Professional Journey in Forest Hill, Texas
Forest Hill (TX) resident since December 2018.​
Full-time contract employee for a federal law enforcement agency.​
Regularly attends monthly City Council Meetings. Has spoken at several of these events by presenting community awareness issues before the Mayor, City Manager, and City Council. ​
Organized and facilitated two Forest Hill Community Forums in 2023. The 25 citizens discussed their concerns about high voter apathy, the need for a new public safety facility, street repairs, communication (i.e., improving the city website and establishing a city newsletter) renovating city parks, education, food insecurity, increasing public safety officers’ pay/benefits, and implementation of a community development plan.​
2023 National Faith & Blue – Forest Hill Planning Committee Member. The mission of the National Faith & Blue Weekend facilitate safer and stronger communities by engaging law enforcement officers and residents through the connections of faith-based organizations.​
Visited with 25 local pastors and their congregations to promote improved community participation.​
Completed 12-week training of the Forest Hill Police Department Citizens Police Academy in October 2022.​
Member of Forest Hill Citizens on Patrol Academy Alumni Association, 2022 to present.​
In 2016, he founded Bright Morning Star Community Consulting, a community non-profit faith-based organization focused on mentoring potential new business owners, resume writing and mental health advocacy. This ministry has positively impacted the lives of 700 people in the DFW Metroplex and across the nation.​
Volunteer Chaplain at Liberty House – Fort Worth, 2015 – 2019. This recovery program assists male veterans in ending homelessness through training, job placement, and establishing veteran benefits and housing.​
Education: Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Ministry, Oblate School of Theology​
Bachelor of Science Degree – Business Administration, Wayland Baptist University ​
20-yr U.S. Air Force Veteran.​
Married to Anita Glaster. A retired Licensed Master Social Worker.​