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Talking Points/Career Highlights​

Regional syndicated Radio Talk Show program which advocates for our Veterans and First Responders.  Alliance for the Brave works with Veterans support groups to aid Veterans and Service Members in creating more support and awareness in the community.  Program facilitates education, economics, and leadership opportunities available while helping the community to better understand the values of Veterans' bring to the table.  Guests on the show were: Mr. J.P. Hogan, Col. USA Ret., North TX ESGR Regional Director, and myself.   Special Guest was Ms. Robin Valetutto, KVCE Sports Director.  She appeared during the last segment of the show. 

Notes from Mr. Hogan:  "Radio show went very well this evening. Willie did a great job with the Hero2Hired stuff and we got to tell the ESGR story in decent detail.  We will have MP3 links to the show in a few days if you can make use of them.  The station would like to link our ESGR and Hero2Hired (H2H) sites to their web page.  Do we have a "press kit" we can give to them that provides the right language for the radio hosts to use periodically when they pitch reminder info to the audience. Something they do regularly.  I know this team and have been on their various shows in the past. They will do right by us in keeping the ESGR program in front of their audience (evening drive time AM station carries this program each Wednesday). And they have other veteran support focused shows/events that they do routinely and will plug us periodically." JP Hogan.   Podcast will be available 5/18/16 on  

Forest Hill City Council Mtg

City Council Meeting 
September 6, 2022

My first of many presentations to the Forest Hill City Council  on September 6, 2022.
Forest Hill City Council Mtg

City Council Meeting

October 18, 2022

Mayor Proclamation of National Clergy Appreciation Month

Forest Hill City Council Mtg

City Council Meeting

April 4, 2023

Forest Hill City Council Mtg

City Council Meeting

July 18, 2023

Giving the After Action Report for my 1st Community Forum.

Giving  the 2nd After Action Report for my Community Forum.

Biblical Training at BMSCC

located at The Meeting Place

-  Women's Conference on Domestic Violence

-  4-week Women's Training on the  Biblical

   Understanding of Domestic Violence

Men's Group Round Table Discussion on

   What is a Good Man

-  Men's Round Table Discussion on Por'-Nos


Pastor Glaster Training at BMSCC
KEXB Radio 620AM

Alliance for The Brave Radio Talk Show


Radio Show Host: Mr. Ronald Abrams

USA Ret., Regional Outreach Coordinator

Texas Veterans Commission

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