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Explore the Possibilities


Downtown Dallas Restaurant


Workforce Skills Development


Resume Writing


Citizen Empowerment

Build Client Relationship


Offer genuine warmth and empathy


Offer Client Self-determination and Empowerment


Critical Thinking Suggestions


Client Brainstorming


Troubleshoot the Primary Issues

Offering an Invitation

to Change


& Assessment

The dimensions of Engagement

Empathy, Warmth and Genuiness

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The dimensions of Engagement

identify and evaluate any problems

Evaluation & Termination

Implementation is the actual doing and is critical for accountability.

Evaluation will become more effective as the plan moves forward.

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The consultant and client relationship must eventually come to an end. 

Planning & Implementation

Establish goals and Specify Objectives

Planning involves what to do.  Planning follows assessment in the problem-solving process.

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Formalize a Contract

Forms help with next steps.


- Reassess

- Discontinue Contact

Follow-up is the reevaluation of the Client’s/Volunteer’s situation.

Its purpose is to monitor its ongoing effects. 

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This step will be the most difficult to follow.

It also involves making sure that the Client/Volunteers are still functioning well on their own.

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